Magic Realism

February 6, 2009 at 4:52 pm (addictions, writing) ()

So, yesterday’s blog was about hot writers. Apparently, you don’t have to be hot to be attractive. You just need to be a good writer.

Case in point, Salman Rushdie.

salmanNow, we all know that he looks like an evil Mr. Bean,

mrbeanbut, that does not seem to be an issue when it comes to dating. Rushdie has been married four times, and not just to anyone.

His first wife was Clarissa Luard, a literary agent. Then, he lived in with Australian writer Robyn Davidson

Robyn Davidson

Robyn Davidson

His third wife was also a writer, Marianne Wiggins

marianne-wigginsThen, he married Elizabeth West


elizabeth west, rushdie, and their son Milan

elizabeth west, rushdie, and their son Milan

His fourth wife, and this is where things get interesting, was Padma Lakshmi. Yes, the Padma Lakshmi of Top Chef.




They divorced in 2007, though. Since then, he’s been seen with:

Bollywood actress Riya Sen

Bollywood actress Riya Sen

Patrice Jordan

model Patrice Jordan

Aita Ighordaro, a journalist
Aimee Mullins

Aimee Mullins

actress/model/amputee Aimee Mullins

athlete/model/amputee Aimee Mullins

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde

And in the new music video of Scarlett Johansson

scarlettruckas_468x337Ok, you might be thinking that it’s Rushdie’s charm (or, voodoo powers). But, apparently, it works for other writers, too.

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller

Paulo Coelho with burlesque star Dita Von Teese

Paulo Coelho with burlesque star Dita Von Teese

Marilyn with Truman Capote

Marilyn with Truman Capote

I couldn’t find a picture of Gabriel Garcia Marquez with Shakira, but I know they’re friends. I’m also still looking for similar couples with women writers.

Charm? A way with words? A sense of humor? Magic realism. Reason enough for all of us to become better writers.

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